Who's who?
St Richard’s is made up of a wide church family who are committed and serve in many different ways. Below are few people you can put faces to more easily.

Mark Rapley -
Pastor & Chair of St Richard's Management Team |
Trish Scobell -
Outreach & Pastoral / Church Administrator |
It’s a real treat to be pastor of St Richards having grown up in Crowborough and attended White Hill, Herne and Beacon schools before having a few years away. To work in your hometown is an opportunity you don’t let pass. With a background in training, my passion is enabling people to engage with the truth claims of Jesus so that we may live the whole of our lives for Christ, to his glory and the benefit of others as we come to know God, show God and share God together.
Before coming to St. Richards, I worked for our family business which some of you may know (Millennia Print and Millennia Garden Machinery) which was based on the Farningham Road industrial estate in Crowborough.
In my spare time I love to visit places with my family. I am married to Laura and we have two school-age boys. I also enjoy kit cars, hill and mountain walking, watching sci-fi films, gardening and professional fireworks.
Trish has been at St Richard's since September 2019 in the exciting new role of Outreach & Pastoral worker, as well as being the Church Administrator. She and her husband John have two adult children and a crazy dog called Loki. She enjoys meeting new people and also serves as Chaplain to the local Morrison's supermarket. She loves Japanese mochi, knitting socks and dancing wherever she can get away with it.
Contact via the Church Office |
Tony Hoyle -
Facilities Manager
The Management Team

David Lattimer (and Music Ministry leader)
Fay smith (Treasurer) |

Andrew Gibson

Stuart Smith

Rosemary Longley |