If you would consider St Richard’s your church, we would encourage you to consider giving financially to support the ministry here.
As people trusting the Lord Jesus, we have been given so much for which we want to praise God. We know the forgiveness of sins, the hope of heaven and the gift of His indwelling Spirit... and that is just for starters! We have also received many other blessings, including financial blessings. So how will we use the financial resources that God has entrusted to us in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ? Please think and pray this through in the light of the information below:
What the Bible says about giving:
The New Testament lays down no laws about how much someone should give. But the Apostle Paul helps us understand many of the principles of Christian giving in 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9, where he encourages us to give: sacrificially, generously, gratefully, realistically, lovingly, actually, freely, confidently, encouragingly. We want to encourage joyful and generous giving, not only to our church but also to local, national and international mission (which can also be done through our church). However, the Bible also states we should not give 'under compulsion' and it is certainly not our intention for you to feel this way.
What to do next:
Consider what the Bible says about the principles surrounding Christian giving.
Pray and ask God how you can best support His work with the money He has entrusted to you.
Decide on how much to give and the best way to do it.
Contact the church office if you have any further questions about giving, or to speak to the Treasurer.