World Mission
The Bible closes with a magnificent picture of an enormous crowd of people, too great to number, from every tribe, nation and tongue, living in a new heavens and new earth, worshipping their God and Saviour, the Lamb who is Jesus Christ. This is where history is heading.
This goal is achieved as the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is proclaimed and the word of God taught. This is mission. Proclaiming him. Announcing salvation found in Christ. God has entrusted the task of taking this Gospel to the world to those who have believed in Christ. As we speak of Jesus Christ to others, we can be conscious that God himself is at work, for the message of the cross is powerful for the salvation of all who believe in it.
We want to do everything we can to promote the spread of the Gospel in the world! For this reason, through our mission group, we partner with various UK and overseas mission agencies and individuals committed to this end.