Details and dates of our next course run at St Richard's are available from the church office.
Do contact us if you want to know more - also see the link below to access some of the great resources on the Christianity Explored website.
We all get one life to live and deep down we’re all asking the same question – what’s it all about?
St Richard’s runs 7-session courses to explore more about Christianity. It’s relaxed and informal, a great place to ask questions, or to just listen to the questions being asked! It’s a bit of space and time to think about the big questions of life – and no singing or praying or stuff like that! You may not be a Christian, or you may be a Christian who is interested on going over the basics again. Or you may just not know what a Christian is!
Come and see what Christianity is all about and whether it stands up to what it claims to be. For more information or to book a place, please contact the church office.
For more details of Christianity Explored, please see here.